Anyway... one of the reasons we did the run-through of a show at The Drill Hall recently was to help us test out a few things that we want to change from the one-off show we made last year. We definitely need to change the set we used for that show because it was very limiting. We want to be able to try out so many varied and different things on the show and that means we need a set that is particularly versatile.
And if we're changing the set that means it's only sensible to stop and consider whether all the visual elements are as good as they can be. So this afternoon we were talking about logos for the show. We had one on the one-off show - although it wasn't very visible on the set - but, the question was asked - could we come up with anything better. Something simple, unobtrusive... but essentially Genius.
We came up with a shortlist of ideas and argued the toss for a while before realising that we were
a) all getting a bit wordblind
and b) all too busy to spend quite that long discussing something like that.
"What we need," said one bright spark, "is to find out what some other people think. Some people who aren't as close to the show as us..."
So, in no particular order, here's our shortlist. They're only rough versions to give you an idea... although one of them is pretty much what was used on the one-off show.
Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

I don't want to say too much about my own preferences because I don't want to steer you one way or the other... but if one of them grabs you... or one of them repulses you... or you think they're all duff... let me know. If you've never listened to the radio show... what would these logos make you think the show was? If you have listened, which is the best fit for the show? Let us know...
Option 2 is a goer!!
The lightbulb is a classic symbol which fits this perfectly.
Hoping all goes well with the recording - and it makes it to dvd so us Australian 'Genius' fans can enjoy it in the new format!!
vote for no.1 here - i like the simplicity/modernity but it also seems to sum up the idea for the show in my head, in a much subtler way than the other two.
I'd say option 1. Suggests ideas which could be copyrighted, which gets you beyond just 'smart person' into 'actual ideas'. But maybe I just prefer it because it's aesthetically the best of those three, the G is too separate in the current lightbulb one.
Has to be 3 for me as it's a bit of a oxymoron
just my thoughts
1 - OK i guess typical logo i would expect to see
2 - Again OK but I would of though you would of had line representing light radiation out from the bulb.
3 - My first thought was Ku Klux Klan my second was it that a dunce hat.
My own thought would be to have the G represented as a side view of a brain (it works in my head but that could be the problem)
number one would be my vote...
i like the lightbulb idea.. but maybe a bit too literal?
number three i don't like at all
hope helpful!
I like number one. Subtlety and, in it, the ability to quietly convey a strong message is one of my favourite national characteristics. The other two are too obvious, too brash, too... dare I say it, American.
Definitely NOT number 3.
definitely number 1. could get away with number 2 at a push but not number 3.
Got to be no. 2 for me. I like the light bulb but why not add a crack or two to it to show that some of the genius ideas are a bit cracked themselves.
1 and 2 good. not 3.
Of the three, I think number 1 is the best. Its simple. A bit of the old "does what it says on the tin".
I think 2 and 3 are just trying too hard.
Definately not 3. I would go for 2 but with the font/text used in 1, if that's not being too awkward!
1. is my favourite of the three as they stand
2. is ok - if the team can get the G closer to the rest of the word without the lightbulb making it look too cramped then it might work
3. I just thought "dunces cap" so I'd say no to that.
definitely option 1
Number 1 Dave, it's clean crisp and it isn't "trying" to be genius it just is.
Definitely option 1. Option 2 is a brilliant idea poorly executed - if you could somehow shape the G into a lightbulb instead of placing it inside of the bulb, that might work.
I've not heard the radio show (boo me) but I have an idea of what type of show it is.
I was instantly drawn towards number 2. I think the light bulb is a good idea. I think that a light bulb is a symbol that most people associate with having a good idea.
I think that the font used on number 1 looks good.
I would like to see number 2 done with the font of number 1 - and I would keep the g in lower case.
Number 3 feels negative to me looking like a dunces cap to me would imply that you would be focusing on the bad ideas (like X-factor or one of those type of shows focusing on the deluded folk that would never make pop stars and making fun out of them).
I think you should go with number one as a logotype and lose the 'G' at the end.
Keep it simple and leave out the gimmicks. The moment you have to include visual aids is the moment you don't think the word does the job all by itself.
From a professional standpoint I also wouldn't use any of the fonts you've adopted. All three look like system fonts (courier, verdana, arial?), I would love to suggest some others if you were interested but it's almost 1am and I have to sleep before I collapse. I'll try and post again tomorrow if you can't reach me by email (not sure if it gets displayed in my post).
Number 1. for me, without a doubt.
Although the encircled 'g' is obviously a play on the copyright symbol, which someone above suggested could indicate the plausibility of the ideas presented, I think it could also represent a certain 'branding' of a genius idea - the (g) symbol of approval.
Perhaps you could encircle the 'g' within a mini lightbulb, as in number 2, although that is perhaps over-doing it a little.
The second design is a little too obvious I feel, and the direction of the bulb seems to draw my eyes downwards and away from the logotype. Perhaps the 'G' could be worked into the coils of the bulb's element, which might improve it.
The third design seems really poor and to evoke a dunce's hat seems a tad insulting towards the genius ideas that have been contributed. Also, as we've seen above, it is evidently reminiscent of the KKK for some people, although that probably says a lot more about them than anything else!
So, just to reiterate, it's number 1. for me!
Number 1 is where it's at.
Option 2 for sure.
No. 1 is the stand out. In fact it's almost genius!
I like Number 2, but not the others.
However, I have my own suggestion:
NOTE: I came up with the Google idea and then realised it was fitting with Dave's past, with the Googlewhack Adventure - not the other way round - I didn't choose it because of Dave's Google connection.
I don't know how you would feel about this, Dave. It might be an connection you want to get away from, in which case I'm sorry! It wasn't intentional!
Anyway, there's my idea for what it's worth.
Option 1.
The type is nice, and the g is unique! The type is also reminiscent of thoughtful people tapping away at typewriters.
Regarding the overall idea of option 1, Thomas Knowles said it well: "Number 1 Dave, it's clean crisp and it isn't "trying" to be genius it just is."
Also, the g/copyright part is a great stand-alone element. It can be used as a symbol without requiring the whole word being written out.
After some tweaking, it's a winner.
As far as the other two options...
Option 2 is way overdone and not clever at all. The type is not remotely appealing. I know these are roughs, but the light bulb as it stands is also way too cliparty.
Option 3... I think enough has been said about. Not diggin' it at all. Lifeless type. Conceptually more emphasis on mockery than cleverness. Visually/aesthetically unappealing and unmemorable.
Option 1 is memorable, which is the point of a logo.
(Someone also said, against option 1, "The moment you have to include visual aids is the moment you don't think the word does the job all by itself," to which I point out that the reason you have a logo is to have a visual aid.)
Good luck!
Number one is the best. It’s the most original. Number two is a bit too obvious and number 3 is a bit dated. Hope this helps.
I have to say I thought of this sketch on Youtube - designing a STOP sign.
Option 1 is perfect.
Option 2 is very ugly and my least favourite.
Option 3 is OK, but still far behind option 1.
I prefer no 1, the cleanest and simplest of them all. @ is OK and I hate 3.
option 1 is the only one that works for me - 2 feels like it might work...
3) is just bad - too 'fiddly', reminiscent of a 12 year old's idea of a logo (apologies if the creator is offended by that, but there you go)
2) Is okay, unbalanced due to the bulb.
1) Is spot on.
Initially I thought option 1), but overall I think option 2) is best. Really don't like option 3) though.
I love number 1, the modified version of the copyright symbol is a stroke of .. well genius (sory sorry i know that's cheesy but what the hell) and I love the font too :)
number 2 is pretty good as well, the lightbulb being a common symbol for idea's.
number 3 i'm not so keen on but it's an interesting play on the dunces hat - only trouble is it might make it seem mocking, as the shape of that hat has definite non genius associations.
no 2. definitely. It's a bit obvious but still a classic idea.
I like both 1 and 2. I think I lean towards 2.
Not 3.
I like the font of number one, the lightbulb of number two and really don't like number three at all. Having read through the previous comments, it will be interesting to see which (if any) you go with.
I like 1 and 2. BUT number 1 reminded me straight away of the logo for the TV show QI (the one with Stephen Fry). Logo is on the wikipedia page:
I think it's the whole letter inside the circle thing.
Number one is a bit bland, Two is great - three would make me think it's a quiz show for wizards. I haven't heard the radio show, but from the gist of it I think the lightbulb is best. I think people tend to screen out those TM and copyright symbols when they see them in real life, so the first option needs to be looked at carefully for it to make sense
1 is ok, 3 is a definite no go. But I think no. 2 is the best, although it needs some work on the typeface/layout to balance it properly though (spacing a bit funny b/w g and e).
Option 1 is good.
Option 2 is good.
Option 3 - why not change it from a wizards hat to a mortar board?
would probably go with Option 1 as I am too inept with graphics software to make a new option 3 to see how it looks!
Option 1. Nice, simple, recognisable.
The others are definite no-nos.
Option 1 = Good. I like it.
Option 2 = Agree with a previous poster that the G looks too separate from the rest of the word. Not that keen.
Option 3 = Really don't like it at all.
Number 1 for me please!
Option 3 - too clunky
Option 2 - nice idea, obvious lightbulb imagery immediately evokes a "Eureka" moment, but font needs changing
Option 1 - the most aesthetically pleasing, to my eye, mainly because of the clear, simple font and, as others have already said, the tweaked copyright symbol suggests an idea that can be copyrighted, i.e. something beyond a Eureka moment.
So, of these three, Option 1 by a nose from Option 2. But what about Option 4 - combine the lightbulb concept of 2 with the type face and copyright motif from Option 1 (or without if it looks too cluttered)... that would be a winner, Dave.
Option 1 is a goer, definitely not option 3.
Option 1- reminds me of a boardgame logo - not a bad thing; especially considering the later possible boardgame tie in product.
Option 2- surrounding the g with the lightbulb make's it initially too difficult to read the word and is similar to the magnifying glass over the QI logo. This might beat option 1 if just the letter i in genius was replaced with a lightbulb.
Option 3 - just makes up the numbers
I assume you rejected the notion of Genius? which seems to me to suggest the doubt implied by no 3 but in a more obvious way. After all the show is not really about genius, it's about the fine line between genius and idiocy.
I'd go for number 2, but using the font for number 1. And that's that.
I vote for 1! It reflects the radio show - simple, a little silly and laughing at itself (with the (g), heehee).
2 is okay.
3 just doesn't work. A dunce hat has a sort of mocking tone about the ideas/contestants rather than the show itself.
I vote number 1 for what its worth. The other ones look too busy.
Number 1, it's certainly my favourite. It's simple and classy, not too "showy" or tacky... that's not to say the others are (backtrack, backtrack!) just it seems to be the sleekest and so the set itself or colours/title screens could be full of the more whacky and bright ideas
It's all about option 1. The only choice.
Option 1 - OK
Option 2 - OK
Option 3 - Bad, really, really bad
Option 1:
Looks OK but I think the g in the circle doesn't work, why not change it to a lightbulb? (no g inside it)
Option 2:
It's OK, but not fantastic - looks cheap.
Option 3:
cheap and ugly. I assume the idea was a Dunce's hat but for genius instead. It might work with a different hat instead.
I think something based on option 2 could work. Unfortunately I am away from my main computer (which has the graphcis software) so I will either have to do something in MSPaint or wait till late Saturday, but what I envisage is something like a lightbulb with a missing segment to form a G, with an appropriately rounded typeface for the "enius" (something like VAG light would do it).
If you imagine a clock face centred on the middle of the "bulb" I would miss out the parts between roughly 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock of the lightbulb. This, as you can imagine, forms some kind of G-like shape. Done right it'll look champion.
They are already in their order of my preference. 1 is the the best by a long way.
Option 1 is simple and effective. The second one looks awkward and reads "G enius" whilst the third is just naff. Oh and if anyone is considering the logo used on the radio CD's, that gets a thumbs down from me too.
I couldn't resist seeing what I could get with MSPaint, and it didn't suck as badly as I thought it would. Anyway, this is a concept rather than an execution of it—as, I assume were your other ideas, excluding option 1, which looks pretty sweet but, I forgot to say last time, reminds me too much of the Qi logo.
Alternative Version 2
As an additional concept the entire border of the bulb could be heavier (with a heavier weight of Futura, probably medium or demibold, the latter being what I think Countdown use) and have a highlight in the upper left to balance the shading in the lower right (which I added so it looked like "Genius" and not "Cenius". Which would be just crap).
Option 1 Dave for sure
Would agree with the previous comment that they are in order of preference. 1 is the best at the moment, though the idea suggested of some cracks on the lightbulb in 2 sounded quite in keeping with the shows idea!.
Number 1 for me.
Number 2 is to predictable.
Number 3 looks a bit too KKK for my liking!
No:1 G€N!ù§
I really like option 1 - simple and very cool.
Option # 1
Catchy and intriguing compared to the other two. I like the little "little g" touch.
Number 1 - the others are a bit tacky.
Definitely Option 1! =)
As others have said, the 'G' in Option 2 looks detatched from the other letters in the word.
Option 3 makes the show seem like it's full of 'duncey' ideas, when it clearly isn't.
I really like option 2. I really don't like option 3. Option 1 is OK. Though is there any particular reason why the G is the letter that is emphasized? I guess it is also G for Gorman but how about the I in Genius being replaced with a light bulb?
Option 2 as first preference, option 1 next, option 3 not at all, makes me think of a dunces cap!
in my humble, but designers opinion, I instantly like 2, although it with the font of 1 would be best in my humble opinion. The person who thought of 3 should be shot - not a genius idea to have a dunce/KKK hat!!! doh!
As they stand: number 1. But I quite like Andrew's idea (above), which I think needs a little more stylisation.
People have already mentioned something similar, but how about a lightbulb as the dot on the i of genius (in a girly love-heart kinda way).
Option 3: did you get sombody's nan to do it?
I think option 2 is definitely the best, and then option 1. I think that the lightbulb concept is simpler and quicker to understand than the "g" trademark symbol. I like the serif font of option 1 better though - perhaps you could use option 2 with the font of 1?
Defo option 1. Hands down!
Fran says - option 1 for sure!
I like Andrews idea If it could be done a little better
I vote for option 1 - the current logo. Not just because I've got a pencil with it on and changing the logo would render if pointless and silly, but it is actually the best I think.
No. 3 is not good.
No. 2 is okay, but the lightbulb idea is a bit of a cliché I think.
No. 1 is plain, simple, the g as the copyright symbol can be exported and used on its own, as mentioned, which is fantastic, and indeed it does imply some sort of official "trademarking" and recognition that the idea is indeed Genius.
My other half, on the other hand, thinks that No. 2 is better, because its more fun without being cheesy. But I'm typing, so don't listen to her.
Not number three here
Number one's really simple and classic. Definitely my favourite.
I agree with most of the comments here - 1 or 2.
I think if you uuse 2 you could slant the lightbulb a bit to the left, maybe add some bright lines.
Hmmm, you probably weren't asking for someone to mess with the shortlist pictures. Oh well, those are my thoughts.
I like number 1.
Definitely number 2. It just looks witty.
I like option 1.
It is simple, clean and clever.
number 1 but they are all a bit lame to be honest
Option 3 sucks
Option 1 is lovely... classy
Option 2 needs some work but could be good, you could combine the lightbulb with the copyrite (sp?) symbol on option 1 might be nice.
I didn't listen to the show on the radio but I know a bit about it... looking forward to the telly show.
Number 1.
Definitely not Number 3.
I never normally leave comments so i'm anonymous apparently, but my name is Steve and loved Genius the radio show. Hello!
I like option 2 dave !!!!!
Option 1 has too much of a Google 'G', but apart from that it's the best of the three - although I do like the lightbulb
As they stand at the moment number 1 but I like the idea of 2 with some work done on it. Really dislike 3.
I like 1 and 2, slightly favouring 1. However as said before 1 reminds me of the QI logo.
Option 2 with the g from option 1
I like number one best. Simple and to the point. Two is good also but possibly may not wear well and three is a dunce's cap and therefore quite wrong. Hope this helps.
I like the simplicity of 1 but I also like the way the lightbulb has been incorporated into logo 2 - this logo also illustrates that the show is more about the idea process rather than a show 'just' about geniuses.
Logo 3 - my brain doesn't really take in the G - instead, I just read ENIUS. Which in turn reminds me of Ennis Del Mar. I also find the font a little heavy.
I'd go for logo 2 :-)
Definately don't like option 3. 1 and 2 are both good. I prefer the font on 2 so that's taking my vote at the moment (of course you could change the font on 1 ...).
Hope that helps.
I think number 2 wins it by a nose
To say what lots of people have said- not Option 3 (too fiddly). Option one is may favourite- although I agree it would be worth looking at Option 2 with the Option 1 font...
i like option 1 the best, its simple and looks smart
option 2 is a close second, i like the idea of the light bulb but it doesnt look quite right
do not like 3, 3 is just faffy
Crikey. I wasn't expecting so many people to respond with such clear and interesting feedback. Really interesting and really helpful; ta. It pretty much confirms my own feelings on the options available... but crucially, you've saved us so much time that would have been wasted on debating things. Designs will be tweaked and retuned and a decision made soon enough.
Number 1 - I like this best, it makes you look twice until you notice the "g" where the Copyright logo should be. It looks like the sort of logo that corporations spend millions getting designed.
Number 2 - While it's very nice, it is a bit obvious and reminds me vaguely of the logos in the "Dummies guide to" books.
Number 3 - Doesn't do much for me. Can't really say why, sorry.
I've not heard the radio show, but do have a rough idea of the concept for the show, and for what they're worth, my views are as follows...
No1... Stands out a mile. Very simple, not too fussy and straight to the point...
No2 & No3... I can see exactly where these designs have come from, but for me they're just too gimmicky and a little too obvious...
So I look forward to seeing the new show when it airs, complete with its' big neon flashing lightbulb genius logo ;-)
What immediately leaps into my mind is a variation of #2.
Using the capital G as the round part of the bulb (rather than just being inside it) and make the bit of the G that pokes in the middle into a coil to represent the filament. Here's what I mean:
Forgive the crudeness, but it gives you the jist...
Of the three as presented, #1 is the best. The little (g) is handy for favicons and other space-critical applications. #2 is also good, but would be better if 'enius' was right next to 'G' -- if that means whiting out part of the bulb then do so.
The name is important: get that in place first, then position other elements around it. #2 and #3 do that backwards.
I think that Option 1 is the most visually pleasing, however, as an avid listener, Option 3 represents the show the best.
Well that's my opinion anyway.
Option 2 is a tired cliche (I expected to see it there before I even looked), option 3 is unclear what it's supposed to be, which leaves option 1. It's nice and clean and a distinctive enough font to carry it. It does look like something I've seen before though, and I can't quite place it at the moment.
@rob: That's ace! Could this be mocked up properly to compare with Option 1?
Numer one is the best one. The second is too obvious in my opinion.
Number 2 is the one I'd most expect to see (obviously worked up a bit). I actually lean away from number 1 because it looks like the registered trademark sign, and it implies the ideas are something to be guarded, hoarded, rather than shared with others.
I actually quite like the look of it, however, and would possibly suggest just the word genius with a full stop - you can use the word as a sentence in itself in a manner of admiration:
(as in, that's genius, that is)
G'day Davo - sorry mate, couldn't resist.
Number two gets my vote, but I'll add a standard branding caveat. It is almost irrelevant what the logo is, it's the value that the logo stands for that is important.
If, and I doubt this will be the case given your history, the show is complete an utter pants - then by association, your logo will be too. If however, the show is a success, the association for the logo will also be a positive one.
Hope this helps
Kind regards
I like option 2 but it has to be option 1 for me. Very simple and you really don't need anything else.
Option 3 is ugly and just a little bit crap. Sorry if that was your idea ;)
I think option 1 works best with the theme of the show because you are kind of showcasing peoples ideas that they are guarded about sharing and if the idea were indeed genius in nature you would sort of want to copyright/patent it and the show allows people to say hey I thought of this and it is a genius idea but obviously it's too silly to patent or spend money on but it is of genius standard.
Logo 1 doesn't really put the point of the show across. Look at Qi thats simple but its logo gives you an idea of what the shows about.
I think your onto something with the light bulb it is the logo for an idea or a spark of genius.
You could try putting the light bulb on its side top left to the right cutting it in half and then the word Genius underneath. Or reverse the half of the bulb underneath. Possibly bring the type font of number 1 and you might have something. Not that I want to tell you how to make a logo just :) My graphic design mind working is all.
Option 1!
Option 2 is too much like a naff energy company logo, and Option 3 looks like it too 3 minutes to knock up in Microsoft Paint
realy looking forward to seeing more Mr G on my Tellybox :D
#1 jumped out for me but then, after reading some of the other comments, I looked at Rob's idea with the G forming the lightbulb - I really like that.
Option 1 is the clear winner for me - clean, simple and makes for a strong and clear brand identity.
#2 is OK, I guess. Don't like #3 at all.
1 or 2 for me.
I think the reason #2 is good is because of the lightbulb, #1 because of the simple lower case font.
Could you replace the small g and the circle in #1 with a lightbulb of the same size, or a lightbulb with a g in?
I'd opt for number one - less fussy than the other two - I don;t like option 3 at all, it just seems a little too uch and don;t see the relevance of the wizards hat??!!
Number one all the way....
1 is my favourite, though 2 is pretty decent too. Not very keen on 3 though.
I'd say option 2.
Aesthetically better than the other two.
Option 3 suggests the show is a Ku Klux Klan based operation or a show about a clever gay witch.
Shaun in Newcastle.
Option two though to be honest its the better of the three evils. The first looks too much like the one for QI, probably because it uses something like 'Courier New' as a font and that's the same at the 'i' in their logo:
I agree that the third one, though clearly supposed to evoke 'dunce' does have KKK overtones, or wizardry.
The light bulb is a nice idea -- the trick is going to be the design of the light bulb.
My suggestion would be for the logo to be the light bulb with the whole of the word 'genius' within in somehow -- which would be a nice visual gag if it's on the wall above your head on the set.
I like the middle one. The small G on the top one might not come across at a glance and the bottom one seems a bit ugly shape. I have listened to a snippet of the show. It seems to be mainly about new ideas which is reflected well in the middle one.
I'm looking forward to the show
Option one is sort of classy and elegant and simple.
Option two I'm not mad keen on - having the G in the lightbulb means the spacing of the letters sems a bit off, to me - the 'G' is too far away from the 'enius'.
Option three makes me laugh.
Sensibly speaking, I would probably say option one, but a little voice in my head is saying "Three! Three! It's bonkers!" Take from that what you will...
Has to be one - the only one you could reasonably imagine on the chest of the inevitable t-shirt/merchandise range to follow. upper case is too shouty.
Not 3. Maybe if got the Googley g in the lightbulb alone would be more simple.
option 1's the best.
loved the radioshow, can't wait for the tv show!
Another vote for Logo 1.
(Although to really sum up the show the logo should be transformable into a spare pair of trousers)
I love the idea of option 3, a dunce hat and the word genius suggests a lot about the show, whilst been clean and simple, but it just doesn't have the instant appeal of 1 or 2. So I'm probably not helping with this comment. But you did ask.
maybe you could combine options 1 and 2. you could keep the copyright idea in 1 and use the g in the lightbulb as your small copyright icon at the end of the title, creating 2 logos in one. any idea that is deemed genius could then be presented with a certificate of certified genius with the title of the idea followed buy the g icon as printed on the certificate.
if you use option 2 i think a lowercase g would look better in the lightbulb.
option 3 is too fussy and the iconography is confusing unless the dunce's hat was incorporated into the workings of the show (perhaps a hat could be given to a non-genius if you wanted to be cruel!).
Definetly number one.
really dont like number 3, its abit too much.
1. Genius
2. Not genius
3. Heinous
OPtion 1 for me!
option 1, simple and clear
Got to be option 1 for me, its simple and sums up the show,
Cant wait to see genius on tv!
Has to be number 1, at a push number 2 and no way for number 3. nuff said.
OK, as others have said, option 2 is obvious and trite (so obvious and trite that even I've used it before). Option 3 introduces a discontinuity in thought; dumb or genius. Probably not good for a logo.
That leaves option 1. The only thing I would say is at present you have two copies of the same thing at either end of the logo and that feels wrong. My suggestion is to turn the g-in-a circle into a stamp, probably in red, and at a slight angle over the end of the title logotype. You could then use that in the show, stamping an idea "certified genius" within the show with one of those big stamps librarians used to use. A nice finality to that in showmanship terms.
In that way the g-in-a-circle stamp becomes a shorthand logo for the show as a whole, similar to copyright or registered trademark - which is what you should of course do with it as quickly as possible.
Hello Dave
Number 1: Good, clear and effective
Number 2: Don't like the font and the idea is somewhat hackneyed
Number 3: Horrible font and the dunce's cap is not a good idea!
Hi Dave...
1. It's ok, but not very original. I think it could be improved tho.
2. I like I think that would work.
3. Is dreadful. I can see what you were doing, but I really don't like it.
When i read your entry, logo 1 hits me as the "simple, unobtrusive... but essentially Genius." logo described.
However, 2 is also possible. The lightbulb is a good visual reference and stands out.
is it possible to give logo 1 a light bulb? the font for 1 is much much better than 2.
3 is just bad... not worth considering at all.
Jane x
I like 2
Not sure how I got here... via link via link from get rich slowly, maybe?
Anyway... Just wanted to say I think your America unchained idea is amazing. I am looking to see documentary/read book. Hoping to get my hands on one soon!
I can totally relate... I live in a small town in Colorado, USA and we are fighting wal-mart. It will destory our neat little town, put out the local hardware store, etc. So even though walmart is "cheaper" I am shopping more at the farmers market and local stores for the items I need...
Haven't read the other comments so perhaps you've decided by now but:
1) Really nice. Clever without being clever-clever.
2) Very hackneyed.
3) A bit clip art.
I like option 1.
The other two seem as if the logo and text are forced together, option 1 seems more natural to look at.
I really like 1.
2 is too obvious.
3 looks a bit kkk.
i like option 1.
I reckon No.1, clean and simple. Dont like the last one much to be honest.
I hate option 3, but like both option 1 & 2. Like some others I prefer the lower case g and the font of option 1, but also appreciate the lightbulb idea.
Number one - clean, simple, striking.
Got to be the lightbulb - you know what it is about even if you don't read English.
The 2nd one gets my vote, it's clear that it's about bright ideas. Whilst the 1st one, without knowing the nature of the show, doesn't really give many ideas. And the 3rd one is a bit confusing as the hat is more of a punishment than a blessing of a lightbulb.
I vote for no. 1 . Don't like no. 3 at all.
Option one is the winner for me.
I like the typeface of 1 plus the lighbulb from 2, but jiggled about a bit.
I don't like the modern style of using a lower case initial letter for a title. I think it needs a capital G at the start.
3 is a non-starter. Don't do it.
I'd take number 1, but change the circle to the lightbulb from number 2. Which may have been suggested above.
Both 1 and 2 really caught my eye though.
I like the second but the font of the first!
quick question, were you ever in a place called Hoi An in Vietnam Dave? Specifically a restaurant called number 19 or something?
Deliberately haven't read the other commments, but it has to be option 1. The lightbulb thing has been done so many times before (even _I've_ done the lightbulb thing is way past its sell-by date, the dunce's hat is naff (and pointless). 1. is understated and clever: just what's needed.
No. 2 is the best looking one - simple and effective. Have never hard the radio show.
Oop, am a bit late to vote but I'm glad number 1 won! I wonder if the g in the circle will become part of a thought bubble...
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