Monday, March 16, 2009

Coming Soon...

I was trying to find an image to put at the top of the blog that best summed up the message that Genius starts on BBC2 on Friday at 10pm. It's subtle but I think it's done the job.

I've been doing various promo stuff. Here's an article I wrote for the Independent and here's an interview from The Times.

March 20th. Friday. 10pm.


  1. I think you succeeded

  2. ...that's except for viewers in Wales and Northern Ireland.

    A handy link to find out when it's on in different bits of the country:

  3. Hello Dave.

    Off topic, this, but I've been following your twitter updates about the Dunblane thing, and I thought you might be interested in this site raegarding the journalist who wrote the article...

  4. I am off work yaaay i can watch it!!

  5. Looking forward to the series and Betamax box set.
    As regards La Murray's Facebook kicking, it really would be good if this is her account.
    Also like to know why dave isn't playing a gig near my sofa. After all it is listed (ing) and has some remarkable German Weissbier in the vicinity. But I digress.....

    coneydre your word verification allures me.

  6. @ eric the fish: you totally stole my gag. Gag stealer.

    Mine was going to go something along the lines of: I can see that your show will be on at 10pm on Friday, but I will be busy doing something more important and can't be bothered to record it. Could you show the show at a time more convenient to me, say Sunday, at 8pm (after dinner, before Lost).

    But eric the fish, your version was much neater.

    (super-jolly excited by the way!)

  7. when's it on? not sure I picked that up!
    subtle is an overated artform!!

    Saw the trailer this teatime.
    Can't wait.
    In fact I refuse to wait.

  8. I didn't realise it was a series! What happened ot the pilot? Did I miss that? I think it had/was going to have my favourite anaethetist (sp) from Green Wing (one of the greatest comedies ever made) as the guest.

    Slightly confused....

  9. Ooo, Stephen Mangan is on one of them? He's nummy.

  10. Stephen Mangan was the guest on the pilot but was sadly unavailable for the series that followed.

    It was a non-broadcast pilot.

  11. Damn you Gorman, you denied us Mangan.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If you don't like Dave's show you can always try here:

    (I'm only joking, it'll be excellent - really looking forward to it)

  14. A nice plug for your show, Dave. Am looking forward to watching? P.S. Are you coming back to Latitude this summer?
