Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mr Bar

This landed on my door mat yesterday.

Like many people, when times are tough I have been known to visit a "Mister" Bar. I like hanging out with his friend Mister Rum and from time to time can get on famously with Mrs Wine too.

They've never managed to bring any loved ones back mind you and I suspect that deep down they weren't actually helping me out at all.


  1. "bringing back loved ones". That's some claim.

  2. I'm not sure I'd want my exams and court cases brought back.

  3. Give him a ring, this could be interesting :-)

  4. He doesn't actually claim to bring back dead loved ones. "Hi, Mr Bar? It's my wife - she's off down the pub getting sloshed with her mates - could you go and fetch her please?"

  5. "Call Mr. Bar, that's his name, that name again is Mr. Bar."

    Free-roving barrister for hire. Or a man with a big bit of metal pipe. Either would be good at sorting out problems.

  6. Mr. Bar once brought back my loved ones. 3 months later, I woke up from Mr. Coma.

  7. Michael Kingsford GrayJuly 18, 2009 at 12:18 PM

    "Looking for Mr Bar"
    That would make a great title for a novel...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Having come along here for a little read after an hour or two in the company of Mr Wine, I did actually make a rather befuddled call to Mr Bar. I used the land line number and got a very nice African gentleman who was sadly unable to remove the 'jinx' my brother had cast upon me many years ago after we both called "BRUNO!" to the dog at the exact same time. Mr Bar: "what you talkin' 'bout? that aint no jinx!" I politely and promptly terminated the call feeling a mixture of joy, sadness AND relief..the latter no doubt being due to the fact I'd somehow remembered to use 141 before his number.
    Thought I'd share..

  10. I'm late to this, having only just discovered your blog.. (been a fascinating read, thank you!)
    But .. that flyer is just the sort that the ASA love ..
    Daily Mail
    (among lots of press... oooops!!!)
    The leaflet.

