Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 2

I'm loving Cornwall and loving the ride so far. It's raining heavily as I type this (in the interval at the Liskeard gig - which is (so far) my favourite show of the run since I started the previews).

I still don't have an internet connection robust enough to allow me to upload photos so pics of yesterday's Human Sat Nav's and today's - the equally excellent Ivan - will have to wait. In the mean time, here's a map of today's route:

And here's the uppity-downity chart:

Tomorrow promises to be one of the toughest rides of the lot. Hope the rain rains itself out tonight...


  1. I've really enjoyed hearing about the preparations to this expedition, and am digging the reports from the road.

    Being a citizen of one of your nation's former colonies, I'm surprised that your little sat-nav thingie reports distances in miles and feet. What gives?

  2. Dave, what are you using for a web connection? You can easily mobile blog on blogspot and that way you get piccies up too...just a thought.

  3. oh how exciting! i am very much looking forwards to your show in salford and wish you luck along the way! go gorman!

  4. Brilliant - and the uppity downity chart is so pretty too, if it was me doing the peddling my face colour would probably match the uppity sections. Keep up the good work!

  5. my face colour did match the uppity sections... and some of them were very uppity...

    Cheers Dave for letting me tag along. Good luck with the rest of the rides.

  6. Thanks for a fantastic gig last night. Brilliant material, superbly presented. Glad you liked STERTS, particularly thanks for your appreciation to the volunteers who run STERTS. Although we were paying punters, we know it will mean a huge amount to all who give much of their free time to be publicly thanked in the way you did. See you again next year hopefully,

    The crofts
