Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 17 -> Lancaster

The shortest and easiest ride of the lot so far... a mere 27 miles. (Mind you, it's not so long ago that the word 'mere' wouldn't have sat before '27 miles' without looking ridiculous to me.) Mind you, I think I ought to enjoy this run of easy rides because the Lake District is coming soon and that surely means that pain is just around the corner.

Anyway... here's my guide for the day, Dan:

Here's the route we took...

As you can see from this close-up, we zig-zagged over the M6 several times:

Take a look at those lovely mountains to the right... and look at how we didn't have to traverse any of them, just skipping through the foothills instead... as the uppity-downity chart attests:

There was a moment of concern along the way...

... before we remembered that we were on bicycles...

... but we also had free damsons...

Here we are at the finishing line, The Grand Theatre... a truly lovely old building -

I love old theatres and this one's been here since 1782. Mind you, I think some of the plumbing has been too...


  1. Nice bike ride, wasn't to difficult. The damsons are the inbred offspring of plumbs and grapes. Opened my eyes to a whole new world of fruit.

  2. A nice easy ride - but you did miss some lovely views not going up the mountains. Needs must, I suppose! You should be well at home in Lancaster it is a cycling city.

  3. Mmmmm, damsons! Really enjoying the journey with you, Dave. Did anyone disobey the sign and flush during the show? What happens if you do?

  4. I hope the flushing thing is due to the noise rather than any nasty deposits (which is the reason I assume you're not meant to flush on a train in a station).

    Enjoying the tour....

  5. Erm; …Just seen DG at the Brewery, Kendal: sort of expected (& v’ looking forward) to hear tales from the trip! Are the gigs/gags / ride meant to be connected? …All a bit odd & v’ non-cycley really, Juan B’.

  6. @Anonymous: the journey and the show aren't meant to be connected. I'm sorry you thought they were... but the leaflets for the show, the blurb that's been sent to theatres and the description of the show on my site (see http://www.davegorman.com/livedates.html) all make it really clear that it's not a show about the journey... so there shouldn't be any room for confusion.

    It wouldn't make sense if it was about the journey... what the hell would I have to tell an audience on Day 1 compared to Day 18?
