Monday, July 8, 2013

Angela Lansbury Forever

Murder She Wrote Tattoo, originally uploaded by Dave Gorman.
On Saturday morning I saw this tattoo on a man's leg.

I have a regrettable tattoo on my left arm. I used to feel haunted by it. Nowadays I rarely give it much thought. But on Saturday morning I spent a few moments thinking, "it could be worse... I could have a tattoo of Angela Lansbury from Murder She Wrote on my leg."


  1. That is such a bad likeness as well as being a terrible choice of what to have tattooed.

  2. It looks like a young leg too. Some tattooists should be honest with their customers and say "I can't do portraits of people, sorry."

  3. It was a young leg. Younger than my own, certainly. Irony seems to have a time limit on it... whereas tattoos don't. At some point he'll be explaining that it was ironic to someone but will have to start by explaining what Murder She Wrote was... and by the time you've explained that, surely the irony will have evaporated.

  4. Of course it's worth bearing in mind that I'm making a big assumption here. It is entirely possible that this is an irony-free tattoo and that the host is just a hug Angela Lansbury/Murder She Wrote fan.

    (In fact that actually makes more sense than the idea that someone has done this ironically).

  5. Dave - am intrigued that you got this person to let you take a photo of the tattoo but you didn't ask them why it's there.. Were you too afraid of what the answer might be? My theory is that it was originally just the word "murder" and once they got out of prison they thought, hmmm maybe I need to disguise this somehow so it's less threatening..

  6. I love Murder She Wrote. I would certainly consider getting this tattoo!

  7. Wonder what will get tattoed on the other leg, Poirot?

  8. Eddie Izzrd? Murder?

  9. The rendering of the actual face aside, this is awesome.

  10. On one level I love this, but only because I was brought up on Diagnosis Murder and Columbo (amongst many).

    It looks like you took the time to stop the guy/girl-with-hairy-legs to get the photo! Didn't you enquire as to whether or not he/she was a Angela Lansbury fan?!

  11. I spent twenty years thinking I'd met Angela Lansbury when it was actually Angela Thorne. But that's another story.

  12. What next, Columbo on a calf.

    Well, yes, actually:

  13. This is the BEST tattoo EVER

  14. I know this guy and can say that there is absolutely no irony in it. He loves Murder She Wrote and he loves his tattoo.

  15. A friend of mine once tattoo'd his own ankle with the word 'Anus' needless to say he was pretty drunk at the time. For some reason he regrets it now.

    Murder she wrote however is pretty awesome - but maybe not this awesome.
