Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Answering The Tattoo Question That I'm Asked Daily...

I hadn't really worked out what Vine was for before now... but this seemed as good a way to use it as anything else...

Pssst: the sound toggles on/off in the top left hand corner


  1. fake ;)

    Come to the Netherlands Dave.

  2. I watched Googlewhack, in fact I've watched it many, many times. It is an incredible story and an amazing adventure. Dave is not lying, the tattoo is the result of a serious breakdown, a breakdown which Dave has opened his heart to us, for comedic effect. And for going through this, to provide us with entertainment, we thank you Dave.

  3. Thanks Dec. And thanks Anonymi - I laughed. To Anonymous Dutch - I'd love to play in the Netherlands. But the chances of them booking a show are slim to none, I would think. And that's the way it works.

  4. Having gone to the test run and QA session for Modern Life is Goodish (which starts 17th September on Dave in case you didn't know) the Tattoo is genuine.

  5. I was sat opposite a huge tattoo of skulls and roses yesterday in a hospital. I am not a great fan of them myself, that's tattoos (and hospitals), I don't mind skulls and roses as long as they don't walk about to much.

  6. Have you ever talked tattoos with Rhod Gilbert?

  7. i still laugh thinking about the tattoo story

    that and the American lift :) :)

  8. @Paul... nope. But I will when next our paths cross.

  9. @lee my husband and I always say 'ground floor' when we get into a lift together it's our own private joke!

  10. I saw Dave Gorman speak at the Oxford Union about 13 years ago. He asked for a volunteer from the audience to view his tattoo and verify it was real to the rest of the students. The person he chose was me and it was indeed real. He also said he wasn't really proud of it.

  11. That tattoo is real! Saw it on the Googlewack tour at Bolton, Lancashire and got close to it. I do like admiring tattoos and this one takes the biscuit, better than my Roadrunner and Wyli.e.coyote!

  12. Just set my sky box for "the bearded wonder" ! As described in the sky TV guide synopsis.....

  13. You kept the beard because the tattoo has one - Are you going to change the colour of the tattoo to match the creeping grey, or dye the beard to match? ;)

  14. Mortified ever to have doubted.

  15. @Anonymous: I think I'd still have the beard regardless of whether I had the tattoo. It's much easier than shaving. I did shave it off briefly - link - and I hated the result. As did Mrs G. So it's staying. Undyed. And with the tat unattended to.

  16. I too have a beard, which I grew for fun (cos it annoyed the wife), and I left it on for quite a long time cos I enjoyed not having to shave, however, once I did shave it off, I discovered I had lost my chin (jawline), my beard is now used to create the illusion of a jawline. Hail the beard

  17. its a body double
    i would know the real dave gorman
    satnav steve ;-)
