Saturday, November 29, 2008

Woolies RIP

Some Chinese girls, some Cossack boys, Anita Harris, Windsor Davies and Don Estelle... what looks through the grainy, blurry, pixellation to be a Princess Diana lookalike and for some inexplicable reason only two Goodies. Cracking tune, mind. So long Woolworths and thanks for all the tat.


  1. Dave, did this come straight out of hell?

  2. Room 101 - I think - I was waiting for Victoria Wood to start doing a number like "Ann Widdecombe" - though Anita Harris was putting heart and soul into it LOL

  3. Good to see Oddie back in the days before he became a complete tit.

  4. God I feel old, seeing that again...

  5. £18.95 for a sandwich toaster you will probably never use - and that's when £18.95 was worth a lot more. They were quite the luxury, weren't they?

    Incidentally, the word verification for this post is "dikedi" - made me chortle. I'm very childish

  6. Gosh, things were expensive back then.

    (and I'm happy to feel young, because I don;t think I was born when that advert was broadcast!)

  7. I must also raise my glass to Woolies. As a saturday assistant for many years it kept me in cigs and ale when the student loan ran out. Also, the access to pic 'n' mix in the storeroom - well, a candy haven.
    Keep up the good work Dave G., whatever it is you do at the moment.

  8. I once snogged Anita Harris. Okay, more of kiss really. Well, perhaps just a peck... It was a snog in my mind anyway!
