Saturday, June 6, 2009


Aerials, originally uploaded by Dave Gorman.

Up early this morning - a 5.45 start - in order to be at Absolute Radio in time to cover for Frank Skinner (8am-10am) while he's away.

Apart from the early start it was thoroughly enjoyable. There's a very nice team working on the show... but then I knew that because I was a guest on Frank's first show a few months ago. We had loads of input from listeners which really helped to make it zip along. If you sent an e-mail or a text - thanks. If we didn't read yours out - sorry.

I'm there for the next two Saturdays. Hope it stays this much fun.

The best thing about doing some "work" so early is that it allows you to waste the rest of the day without guilt. Lovely.


  1. Will there be a podcast of that? I could do with a good laugh!

  2. There's a podcast on itunes.

  3. Loved the show! Can't wait for the next one!

  4. I might give it a tune.

    I know exactly what it is like about being an early bird too :D

  5. hey, we've sent you a cd to you via Absolute Radio. It's cycling themed. It's for you rather than for the show, but if you want to play it, that would be ace. Some of it's a bit sweary. Track 12 is ace. x

  6. Just listened to the podcast.

    On the subject of "things you learned too late in life", I only realised last year (at the age of 39 and with a First Class Degree in Statistics and an IQ of 157 to my name) that a pony doesn't grow up to be a horse.

    My wife was gleefully relating my blunder to her colleagues, all of whom found it hilarious - except for her boss, over whose face an expression of slow and bemused realisation could be seen...
