Saturday, June 20, 2009

Radio Ga Ga

Thank-You Stranger, originally uploaded by Dave Gorman.

I've not long finished recording the last of my three shows for Absolute Radio. It's been a while since I did any of that kind of radio - y'know, talking and playing records - and I'd forgotten just how enjoyable I find it. It's been a blast.

It's a really lovely, close team who make the show and Absolute have been really supportive too. When we made the first show I had no idea that there was going to be a podcast too. It wasn't until after the first show was over and the producer showed us through to another studio to record an intro for the podcast that I realised such a thing existed.

Which makes it doubly sweet that the podcasts have done as well as they have. This last week we were number one on the iTunes chart. That's just silly. I'm not quite sure how that happened. If you tuned in to the shows or downloaded the podcasts; big thanks.

The final show will no doubt be online soon... and even though my supply teacher's stint is over, we recorded another silly chat that I think they'll make available next week. The Absolute Radio website is here.


  1. there's nothing i can do for you that you can't do for yourself...

  2. it's a great podcast Dave - really enjoy listening to it as I travel across the Hong Kong harbour on the way to work!
