Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello World!

Look at me being all multilingual! Oh yeah. I have no idea where this will be seen or what the compilation of clips will mean to them... will people just think I'm an incompetent song-and-dance man? (Which, incidentally, I most certainly would be.)

Anyway... while this video reaches out to the world, I have to dash because I'm off to catch a train. To Bolton. You see, I really am a global citizen. I know no boundaries. Bolton tonight. Stoke on Thursday. Coventry on Friday. Liverpool on Saturday. Blackburn on Sunday. I'm an international man of mystery as I believe the Live Dates page of my site will confirm.


  1. Those accents, Dave - it was practically like being in the company of foreigners, you clever polyglot... or polygob, or something...

  2. Completely loved the show in Bolton last night. My face was aching from laughing - that has to be a good sign.

    Thanks for signing my dog-eared, beaten-up copy of America Unchained!

  3. I notice Paul Heaton (ex Beautiful South / Housemartin etc. has decided to do a cycling-based tour.

    Looks like you've started a craze, Dave!

  4. @Tracey - maybe if enough performers start following this craze, then fans could go on cycling tours cycling between venues to see musicians and stand-ups on cycling based tours. What do you think?

  5. Loved the show last night in Coventry / Warwick Arts.

    Of course could not possibly say what my fav. bit was. ! Sadly could not stop after as had to go rescue a dog desperate for the loo!

  6. Busy man, Dave, what with being a global citizen and playing football under the name of "Rory Smith"!


  7. @Cyclops: I don't see it myself. I get sent an e-mail with a lookylikey about once every two days and they never - and I mean never - actually resemble me in any meaningful way. All they ever have in common is that they're white and have beards. That's it. It's as if people are unable to recognise faces - y'know, eyes, noses, mouths and even headshapes - when there's a beard involved. Everyone with a beard is deemed a lookalike for everyone else with a beard and, um, I simply don't see it. (Sorry)

  8. Haha,I'm just reading ur "AMERICA UNCHAINED" on the other half of the earth. (Of course, that's a chinese version.) and you see, you really are a global citizen. lol
