Saturday, February 4, 2012

10 Times A Day...

For the last three weeks I have been asked the same question at least 10 times a day. Over 210 times and counting.

Here is the answer.

This man has a red beard and a face that does not resemble mine.

I am not him.

He is not me.

I am not in the Sainsbury's Finance Ad.

I hope that's cleared things up.

If not, maybe this will. This is what it would look like if I was in it.


  1. Is it your brother?

  2. Depends if they're identical twins.

  3. But you have a red beard and a face that resembles his...

  4. The picture in the DVD banner does make you both look very similar, a lot more similar than your photoshopped effort in the bottom pic. ;)

  5. At least he's got a neck!

    Other than that, the only difference I can see is the different shade of beard.

  6. The photoshopped one is on the top ;0)

  7. Your not fooling anyone with this Dave. Admit it they are both you.

  8. It could be another Dave Gorman....

  9. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, as you know Dave. What evidence can you provide that the Sainsbury's ad. guy isn't you? Hmmm?

  10. You're right, Dave - the photoshopped you in the second photo is smiling. Your twin in the original ad looks miserable, as why wouldnt he - he's the star of some boring finance advt, whereas you... you're just a star! :)

  11. LOL ... you are virtual doppelgangers

  12. Hang on...neither of them look like you. Admittedly it's been a while since I've seen you on telly, I would probably walk past you on the street.

  13. Actually Dave that's what Simon Pegg with a fake red beard would look like in the add.

  14. Oooh, oooh, oooh, i've always enjoyed a good game of Spot the Difference...

  15. A couple of people have left comments that relate to Powerpoint Presentation... they made me chuckle... but they were spoilers for people who hadn't yet seen the show.

    So I deleted them. Sorry!

  16. I haven't seen the advert, but looking at that still didn't make me think 'is that Dave Gorman?'

    But then, when I looked at the picture directly to its right, I've come to the conclusion that posting the still on your blog has weakened your argument somewhat, sir :p

  17. He does look like the photo on your driving licence tattoo though!! :-)

  18. As a man with a red beard and a ~only very vaguely similar~ face, I get told I look like Dave Gorman about 400 BILLION TIMES A SECOND. Or so it seems.

  19. @Anonymous: you get told you look like me all the time just because you have a red beard. As do lots of other people. But I get told about each and every one of you. Over and over and over again... and every time by someone who thinks they must be the first person to say such a thing!

  20. perhaps you could go out and meet say 54 people that look like Dave Gorman, oh but I forgot you don't do things like that now you're a grown up.......

  21. @Craftlicious: Ha! More to the point, I try not to do things that are a bit like other things I've already done. & I especially try to avoid contriving stories... telling a true story about things that have happened is far more interesting to me than making a story happen so I can tell it.

    Besides, if I was to do people-who-looked-like-me... who would decide what standard of lookalike was required. I could meet 54 of them in two or three days if all the lookalikes people tell me about on twitter actually counted... but in truth, none of them ever actually look like me... and my journey to meet 54 men with beards doesn't really appeal!

  22. OK,OK, we believe its not you, but it is you in the Halifax ad kicking the football isnt it!

  23. Why do you have such a stick up your arse over this, Dave? The bloke in the Sainsbury's ad DOES look like you, and you're Photoshopping your head ovefr his just goes to prove that fact rather than dispute it. Yes it may be annoying haviong to keep answering the same question, but you're being rather mardy about it. The bloke is your doppleganger, get used to it!

  24. @Anonymous: you appear to be the one getting mardy. Stick up your arse?

  25. I believe it is this chap. I found this out after doing a bit of research motivated by the fact I, unlike Dave, do actualy look a bit like him.

  26. @ Anonymous... I think you're right. Stewart Lockwood's the man.
