Saturday, April 28, 2012

Back on the wireless

I think I'm pretty much through the jet lag and back on UK time. Which is a good job because I'm back on Absolute Radio tomorrow from 10am. It feels like I've been away for more than three shows... but I've checked my diary and counted the Sundays and that is definitely how long it's been.

Sadly, Martin won't be joining us tomorrow morning as he and Absolute have parted company. It's been described in oddly salacious terms in some quarters. I've certainly had tweets from people who are convinced they can smell some kind of scandal but I think that says more about the way the internet stirs things up than anything else. I'm pleased to report that there is no scandal, everyone remains friends and there aren't any heroes or villains. It's not a story of good guys and bad guys... more one of bad timing as I suspect it's the absence of shows that has allowed people to stew up odd conspiracy theories. C'est la web.

We'll be taking the opportunity to introduce some new chums to proceedings and we'll be starting with comic and magician, Pete Firman. I know Pete from the live circuit (if you get the chance to see him live, you really should, he's unstoppable) but he's probably best known for BBC1's The Magicians.

Here he is doing some conjuring with everyone's favourite magician's assistant, Arlene Phillips.

Pete's joining the show for the next three weeks... tune in and make him welcome.


  1. A big shame about Martin, without prejudging the show before hearing it without him I'm sure he'll be missed.

    It's also pretty poor the way he was 'got rid of' with no notice but I gather this is standard practice in the radio world.

    Would they really get rid of one of your colleagues without consulting you first?

  2. Pun street, the poetry, Wards weekly word and Martins song, that's been the Dave Gorman show for me from the beginning, so to take one of those away is just wrong, I think from now on I may just have to console myself with previous podcasts, the media world is a fickle thing! Fair well Martin you will be missed!

  3. NOOOOO!

    Bring Martin back! I need his songs

  4. @Londonstuff: Of course he'll be missed. Martin's brilliantly eccentric and eccentrically brilliant. And he's a friend. But "got rid of with no notice" is the kind of thing I was referring to in the blog... it's not a fair description of what happened. It's tabloidese.

  5. Ah man, that's a shame. I've been with the show from the start and never missed a podcast. It won't be the same without Alderman White. Shame he couldn't do a goodbye show.

  6. Well that's the first I've heard of Martin leaving, I will start my own unfounded gossip as soon as possible. Damn, I'll miss Martin and his songs, his trifle talk, his shout outs and his weird views on punning shop names, but it's a nicely weird temporary replacement from my point of view. Years ago, I bought a magic book by Pete to re-stoke my teen interest in magic. The book said "As seen on TV" on the cover, but between whatever that was and having never watched The Magicians, I'll be interested to hear him speak for the first time. Also, if I at some stage in the future I finally submit my slowly building chop-up jingle based purely on podcast sounds, would Martin bits be a no-no? I'm that guy who did the first acapella jingle way back when, (when I started it, it was never meant to feature my voice) and ever since, I've been sampling choice excerpts and tinkering, with the intention of one day emailing it in. Wow, this is long, possibly shouldn't reply to blogs when tipsy and just in from the night out. Probably won't be listening live...
