Monday, April 9, 2012

Odd words and crosswords

I'm in Melbourne. Feeling a bit wobbly with jetlag in the way you'd expect after a 23 hour journey. The show opens tomorrow. That's Tuesday. I think.

My internet connection isn't great and is obviously out of sync with many of the people who are sending me tweets and stuff... but it was impossible to miss two themes in my incoming tweets.

Lots of people have been telling me that the man who stopped the boat race looked like me. I didn't know the boat race was happening let alone that it had been stopped but on reading those tweets I immediately knew what had happened. Obviously, a man with a beard and no other significant likeness to me had stopped the boat race. I was right. His boat race in no way resembles mine.

And secondly, a number of people were telling me that I was an answer in the Observer Cryptic Crossword. As a crossword fan I'm a little bit thrilled to discover this. Big thanks to @JamesFarrier for sending me this:

Enjoying Oz.


  1. Glad you're enjoying Melbourne, it should warm up in the next few days! Am looking forward to your show on Saturday night! I'm from Manchester but have been a Melbourne resident for 5 years, I showed your "Googlewhack" dvd to some Aussie friends the other day, great stuff!
    PS. It's a small world because my new housemate is going to be a former Absolute Radio behind-the-scenes colleague of yours!

  2. Saw your show last night. It was my 11th show of the festival and by far the best of them all. Yourself and Mark Watson should get together to discuss the Jewish/non-Jewish comedian mistakes. Nearly wet myself during that part of your show. Great show.

  3. The blog on 15^2 is here:

    Much debate on the issue. Also Dave Gorman is on Absolute Radio, so the clue was easier than most.


  4. Amusingly, the guy with the police helmet looks like he could be the race stopper's brother.
