Thursday, September 25, 2014


The tour previews are going well, the book seems to be doing just fine and the reaction to the series has blown me away. If you've been a part of one or more of the above; thanks.

One thing that got a big reaction in episode three was the jigsaw. If you haven't seen that show you obviously won't know what I'm talking about and I don't want to go into too much detail because I don't want to spoil the show for those who are planning to watch it on Saturday night or on Dave On Demand or what have you.

But there were lots of tweets like this:
and this
and this
And it reminded me that, during the first series I often used to give away little souvenirs from the show through competitions for my mailing list. Here's the thing. There is another jigsaw. It's very like the jigsaw but it's not exactly the same. It's a little cruder. It doesn't contain an eagle. It contains something a bit more childish and rude in place of the eagle. (Which is why, when it came down to it, we didn't send it to you know who.)

But I have it and, as lots of people have expressed a desire to get hold of one, I thought it might be a good time to revive the competition. I'll email the mailing list on Tuesday with a question relating to that night's show. There'll be an email address for you to send an answer to. And a time to get it in by and, y'know, whatever else I can think of that makes it feel like a proper competition and then someone will win the, um, rude version of the special jigsaw.

If you're the kind of person who would like to know what I'm up to without gambling on whether or not you see a particular tweet or an ad in the paper then you can sign up to the mailing list here.


  1. If the jigsaw is as rude as I'm imagining, then I doubt my mum will be getting it... assuming I'm lucky enough to win of course! :P

  2. Also, why not leave a jpg of the orginal image so people can have their own jigsaw printed.

  3. @Anonymous: because I don't have a copy of the image on my computer!

  4. I honestly thought you were giving away a power tool. Disappointed!

  5. Do a round one so you can't start with corners
