Friday, June 17, 2011


Latitude, originally uploaded by Dave Gorman.

Unfortunately - due to unforeseen circumstances - I've had to pull out of Latitude.

It's genuinely my favourite festival in the land and I really wanted to be there, not just for my event but for all the great music.

And the odd things you find in the woods.

And the pink sheep.

Unfortunately, any excuse is going to sound a bit mealy mouthed because I'm going to be in LA.

It's for a TV show I'm working on but wasn't expecting to be doing on these dates.

'Yeah, yeah,' I hear you say... 'you're dumping a tent for the glamour of an LA hotel.'

I can only apologise. And promise that I will pretend to queue for 40 minutes each morning in my flip flops before taking a cold shower.

Besides, the festival line up is amazing! I really do wish I could be there. Go! Enjoy!


  1. Gutted that you're not going to be there, but we'll still manage to enjoy ourselves...somehow.

  2. @Aitch: I'm sure it won't be hard. I am genuinely gutted... but it was unavoidable.
