Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I'm really chuffed with the reaction to the book so far. Thanks to all who've written/emailed/tweeted etc.

I'm especially pleased to say that everyone I've heard from who's in the book has - so far - been happy with it. With non-fiction I think there's a real responsibility to discuss the people you meet fairly and they seem to think that's what I've done so far.

I always do as much Q&A at the readings as I can - because I want people to feel like they found out what they want to know rather than what I want to tell them - and also because it makes them feel less like a sales pitch (even though, I obviously do want folks to buy the book) - and on Monday in Nottingham I was asked a couple of questions that related to this side of non-fiction writing.

Unusually there were eight people amongst the crowd who are also within the book's pages. One of them is a friend of mine who appears in the acknowledgements because he offered me a lot of advice while I was writing but seven of them are a part of the story one way or another. There were three sock-golfers, two Cluedo-ers, one Guess-Who-er and a swearing vicar. (And a partridge in a pear tree (© @ash_sportygeek)

It added something to the reading having so much evidence of the tale's veracity in the room and added something to the Q&A too. Very satisfying.

Meanwhile in Stafford on Tuesday I just discovered a distant cousin I didn't know I had.

What I hope a graph of the book sales looks like


  1. Come on deetothe, you know better than to leave the units off the axes of a graph! Unless you're just being massively optimistic that sales will be SO big that the units can't keep up. (Better buy a second wheelbarrow for the money...)

    Incidentally, the "word verification" word for this comment turns out to be "arsewoor", which is better said than read! *happy to share*

  2. @SNB: Regardless of units, I just hope it's an upwards trend!
