There's much more information at DaveGorman.com
It turns out I was lying when I said it was just 7.40pm every night and business-as-usual from here on in.
I loved the afternoon show on Saturday - and it sold out - and next Saturday evening is sold out too... so we've put another Saturday afternoon show in for next week.
So... it's business as usual for the week - and tickets are available for Monday onwards - but on Saturday I've got another matinee. 8 days and 9 shows left to go...
I had a busy day yesterday. I did a short spot at Robin Ince's science show and guested on two chat shows before doing my own one man show in the evening.
Which probably explains why I've got a sore throat this morning. I normally start to suffer much earlier in a festival but this time I've been surprised by how well my voice had held out.
But once it strikes it's pretty hard to sort out. More a case of trying to stop it getting worse than actually making things better.
I might well have supped my last alcohol for the festival. Time for only healthy liquids to pass these lips. It's all about the show after all.
Honest. It is. No, really. All of it.
Pssst: got the extra show tomorrow (Saturday) at 2.30pm. (Tickets) Business as usual - 7.40pm every night - for the rest of the run from there.
I did a photo inside the Mirazozo Luminarium yesterday - it's a big inflatable walk-in sculpture - so obviously I took my own camera in with me as well.
All the colours are created by natural light hitting the outside of the structure. It's stunning. It's in George Square Gardens so if you're in Edinburgh, I recommend popping in. It's very relaxing.
The photoshoot was for The Scotsman. I'm not sure when it'll be out. The show is going very well. The first three were sold out and I think tonight is too. I might be wrong. But it's going that way. I'm having fun.