were both empty this morning.
I think my computer must hate me.
A little while ago I mentioned that I was going to redesign my site. I was asking for help because I seemed to be unable to get in touch with the web designer who had originated the current design. For some reason e-mails between us were going awry. I did manage to get through to him eventually though and the new design is now online.
It's not hugely different. I imagine a lot of people won't even notice. If you spot any glaring errors let me know. But not by e-mail. I'm getting enough e-mail.
The site looks great. No glaring errors at all that I've noticed. The "live dates" link is still defaulting to a 404 error page...
Yeah... the live dates page was the last one to receive any attention. As I'm not doing any it wasn't much of a priority. But even that page is now online. I'm still spotting the occasional typo but I think it's all there now. Ta for taking a look.
Hi, Dave. I noticed a typo on the Shop page:
"Are you Dutch? Do you soeak Dutch? Read Dutch?"
And also, the FAQs on the e-mail explanation page have masses of space between them. =)
Thanks Andrew. But that's not a typo... that's Dutch.
Oh alright... it is a typo. And it's now fixed.
I'm guessing you know why the spaces are there between the FAQs... I'm only trying to answer the specific question for each individual rather than bog everyone down with what looks like a big set of "rules." I think that part of the site is pretty easy to navigate.
Dave, use gmail. It's so much better than the Apple mail interface. Trust me. Get all your mail pointed at Gmail- and you can reply from your own account and all.
If you need help with it, drop me a mail.
I have used Gmail. It wasn't better. Or worse. I don't think it matters which mail program I'm using... 10,000 e-mails a day is going to be a problem.
10,000 emails a day?
Dave, are you Father Christmas?
Not every day... but look at the picture. Nearly 9000 e-mails filed away in my junk/spam folders in one day.
It doesn't matter that they're filtered... it still takes time for my computer to work through them which is the problem.
What kind of things do you get asked? must take you forever to read through your emails...
Nice site. I enjoyed it. Helpful/over critical people might point out...
Projects - Genius - CD links to Amazon don't work. probably Amazon's fault!
Projects - Reasons to Be Cheerful. Second paragraph is somewhat split halfway through the word "song"
Mr B
It looks like the Amazon page for the second series no longer exists. Maybe it's not being released at all. Maybe it's being delayed... don't know. There'll be a broken link in the 'shop' page also. Oh well.
I've fixed the typo in the Reasons to be Cheerful page. Ta.
What's the difference between "junk" and "spam"?
I don't know.
Yup, all looks fine to me.
One thing about the email though: I'd suggest speaking to the chappy who did the site tweak and ask him to javascript your email address and change the subject line. The javascripting will help prevent any new automated spambots from adding you to their list, and the new subject line will help you filter out genuine new emails from the old junk.
If you want any more help on the javascripty bit, gimme a shout on the email.
Cheers! Ian
@Ian: as it goes, I think the subject line that's on the e-mail at the moment is okay... I've never seen any spam arrive with that subject line so it's already helping me to filter things effectively. Unfortunately a lot of people seem to think, "Ah ha... I'll change the subject line to make my e-mail stand out from the others!" and of course that only serves to bury their e-mail in amongst the guff.
It doesn't sound like the kind of thing I need to get anyone else on to... I'm generally capable of adding code to the pages, so do drop me a line explaining how to javascript the e-mail address and I'll get on to it.
Ok... somewhat inappropriately, considering the topic of discussion, you've got mail!
Thanks Ian... it's now javascripted up.
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