Anyway... twitter and darts have combined twice recently. (By which I mean two times, not twitter-nice)
The first was on Wednesday when I had a long, stretched out day with too much dead time lurking between the actual doing bits.
I had three meetings in town - all within half a mile of each other, one at 10am, one at 12.30 and the other at 5. I ended up with a free hour between the first two and a free two hours between the second and third. Not long enough to justify going home and coming back from but too long to be spent wandering aimlessly round the shops of Soho. Not long enough to conveniently take in a film either.
So I put something on twitter asking if anyone knew of a Soho pub with a dartboard and invited anyone to play. I was soon in the Red Lion on Kingly Street (thanks chloe) and playing an enjoyable game with Tom, Mark and Edgar. Most of two hours dealt with. Lovely.
Twarts was also responsible for my entertainment last night. I was tweeting about the darts during the World Championships at new year and it came to the attention of Chris Mason. (@MacetheAce) He got in touch and asked me if I fancied coming down to the Players Championship in Purfleet in January.

Hi Dave!
Im a Spanish girl and I have to admit I didn't know much about English comedians.
Yesterday night, my bf, who is English and also a Dave,came home with one of your dvds and oh god! what a laugh!!
I'm a fan of you from now on!
Thanks for the good times you provided me yesterday!! i can't wait for next weekend when my bf comes with more dvds of you! lol!
Bea x
You are in esteemed company with your love of darts. No less than lovey Stephen Fry included his love affair with darts in his "Guilty Pleasures" confessions on BBC. That might be a good post for you to consider your guilty pleasures? (!)
Simon D
Now a days we can find some exclusive comedy all around the world. If you want to enjoy the comedy and with the real fun, you can also test comedy from the subcontinent. It would be the one of pleasureful fun for you.
well this is more about darts than the mafia
but in case you were still looking for darts pubs, someone has made a list.
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