With the recent announcement that the lovely people at Dave have already commissioned series 4 and 5 of Modern Life Is Goodish, I had a lot of tweets and a few emails and so on asking me how to get tickets for the recordings.
Tickets for the recordings are free - and come with a cautionary sidenote - but the best way to get one is to be on my mailing list. That's because the company that handles the ticketing - TVRecordings.com - allow me to give my mailing list first dibs. I send an email to my list with the dates and details and they don't advertise it anywhere else for a day or two so that mailing-listees get a chance to put their requests in first. In series one to three, we've never had to advertise it anywhere else because the full allocation goes in that first couple of days.
Of course, I don't just use the mailing list to plug the free tickets to my series, I also use it to plug the not-free tickets to my tour and the not-free books and DVDs that I write and produce and so on. But I don't send out weekly emails (or monthly or whateverly, for that matter) and try not to bother you unless there's something I've done that I think you might be interested in. And if you read an email and don't want to buy a book... I'll never know so really it's not that big a deal.
Let me persuade you some more... then again, it might put you off. Oh well. Forewarned is forearmed.
During series 1, I decided that a good way of dispensing with the odd props and things I had lying around following the making of the shows was to give them away in little competitions. The only manageable way I could fathom for doing this was to make it available to members of my mailing list. It seemed healthier than one of those "everyone tweet the answers" things that is really used to generate publicity by crowding out other people's timelines.
So, I gave away the Gorscreen from episode 1...
... the 'Hello Magazine pullover' from episode 4, modelled by the winner, Mike Ericsson, here...
... and the, um, shitting hat (sorry) from episode 3, modelled here by the winner, Dee Traynor's toilet...
Woop, post has arrived! Thanks to @DaveGorman for the new bathroom decoration! #couldntresist #shittinghat pic.twitter.com/APK5tUIntY
— Dee Traynor (@dee_traynor) October 15, 2013
I did the same again in series 2 and I have a small stash of stuff from series 3 that I'll give away in a similar fashion over the next eight weeks or so. (Have I mentioned that series 3 starts on Tuesday night?)
Anyway... I do get that people have a reluctance sometimes because, hey, Twitter is cool and giving someone your email address feels like a big commitment. But Twitter is only useful if you're on it at the time a tweet is sent and I don't know about you but I'd rather get an email in my inbox than trust to lucky timing. In fact, I've just taken my own advice and signed up to the mailing list of the brilliant author Dan Rhodes. I follow him on Twitter. But I was still many months late on discovering news of his latest book. I just hadn't seen those tweets. (He's brilliant by the way... I especially recommend, Gold and Little Hands Clapping).
You can subscribe - and unsubscribe - from my mailing list here:
and here's a boring blogpost from a while back explaining the double-blind opt in blah blah blah behind it all...
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