On the left is an old friend and ex-housemate of mine, Matt then on the right is today's Human Sat Nav, Abbi and her fella, Jamie. Excellent company all round.
Here's the route they took us on:

As you can see from the uppity-downity, it's been a pretty easy day.

It's been one of my shortest rides so far - only 42 miles - and with a net descent too! I earned it with all the climbing yesterday, I suppose.
It wasn't hill-free but what climbing there was rewarded us with spectacular views...
... and with most of the climbing out of the way early in the day we could just cruise through the rest of the ride. It almost feels like I've had a day off.
We stopped at Abbi's parents for tea and cake -
Here we are at the finishing line:
What a lovely day out!
Lets hope your wide awake for the show tonight then :)
I've not been asleep for one yet.
Not what i've heard :0)
Only joking!!!
Manchester? Pah! You're in Salford! :-)
Thanks for sharing your day with us. Hope the show goes down a storm.
Dave - you were bloody brilliant!
I first heard about your stand-up when I was about 14/15 and for many reasons I've never been able to see you live until now (12 years later), and I'm so very glad you lived up to my expectations after all that time. And the fact you cycled here just makes it all the more impressive.
Anyway, thanks for being so funny
Thanks Dave - reading this blog and looking at the pictures is like watching a mini series - something different happens every day - thye uppy downy maps are brilliant - and finding out who your next Human satnav is - well its most entertaining - seeing as we couldn't get tickets for any of the shows this is a rich consolation and an impressive service you are providing so consider yourself well and truly appreciated!
I also can see the series in Asia everyday. (Of course! the Internet world is boundless. ;P)
Well, it was just like Craig said, there were new friends coming as your Sat Navs, new stories happened daily....
It’s brilliant and interesting !
Good luck for the rest of your trip.
Great show last night! Thanks for making my head hurt with laughter!!!
On a more serious note - I live 9 miles away from the Lowry and it took me 1hr 50m to get home!! I could have cycled it in 25!
Bet it seems a long time since Sterts. Thanks for signing my book, (Are you Dave Gorman?). I've just started reading it and it's great!
Dave, me and my friend really loved your show at The Lowry last night. I think everyone else did too. We travelled from London and Leeds to make it, and it was well worth the journey :)
We saw you at The Lowry last night and it was a really GREAT show!
Hope teh rest of the rides and shows go as well.
Great show last night Dave, with much laughter. The only downer was that my girlfriend couldnt make it due to having a sinus operation the other day. She was gutted. I will ensure i book some tickets tonight for your return in March (company firewall wont let me onto the Lowry site, but blogger.com is ok apparently).
My friend who came with me is now a new convert.
We also came from Leeds (a complicated journey involving bikes, buses, trains, trams and feet) however on arrival we were informed our tickets weren't valid as the lovely and not-at-all-incompetent See Tickets had double-sold 50 of the seats. Luckily there was still standing room available (at an additional cost) so we got to enjoy the ace show. Apologies for the moan, just thought it warranted mentioning.
Must say Dave, your clothes are hanging off you lad! Hope you're still enjoying it.
Wow. I love that Johnny-Five (the Short-Ciruit Robot) made a guest apparence on your "finishing line" photo!
Do all of your ex-housemates sport beards?
Loved your gig at Stoke, I cried with laughter several times!!
Thanks for a fab night! I xx
you cycled through Cheadle, that's where I live! :)
I didn't see you sadly but i've got tickets to see you on friday in Carlisle! I'm making the journey rather unimpressively by taking the train :(
race ya!
Shame you bypassed the Peak District! Would a detour via the centrepoint of the UK have been stretching things a bit?
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